Dr. Nabil El-Wakeil

Evaluation of Non-Target Arthropods and Weed Diversity in a Transgenic Maize Line under Different Weed Control Regimes
Maintenance of maize field plots:
Standard agronomic practices consistent with maize production of the region will be used for tillage, fertilization, and planting. All maintenance practices (fertilization, irrigation, etc) will be applied uniformly to the entire trial area. Herbicide applications will be applied on different dates to study their effects as well transgenic maize plants on the non-taget arthropods.
Arthropod observations:
Arthropod counts will be taken periodically through the growing season, focusing before and after herbicide applications and around pollen shed. The primary focus will be the sampling of key indicator species from a range of functional groups in the field: predators, parasitoids, detritivores and herbivores. In as much as it is possible, data should be collected at a similar time of day for each observation period within each monitoring method.
Arthropod identification:
Visual observation counts will be identified and recorded at the field locations. Specimens collected in the sticky traps and pitfall traps will be returned to the laboratory for identification and counts. All samples will be clearly labeled.
My interests are
- Study effects of Jasmonic acid on natural enemies & pests populations in BT crops, and also effect of BT crops on natural enemies.
- I'm interesting in research in integrated pest management and applied biological control agents; arasitoids& predators (ex. Trichogramma and Chrysoperla)
- Using Gas Chromatography MS and other analytical chemistry methods to evaluate and identify plant volatiles and study their effects on attractiveness of parasitoids.
- Using plants with insecticidal properties (Neem and Its derivatives) to control insect pests.
Curriculum vitae
- B.Sc. of plant protection in 1991 with excellent and honour grade, Faculty of Agriculture, Menofiya University, Shebin El-Kom, Egypt.
- M. Sc. of Entomology (Biological Control) in 1997 entitled; Ecological studies on certain natural enemies of maize and sorghum pests (212pp), Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
- Ph.D.: of Entomology (Biological control) in February 2003 entitled: New aspects of biological control of Helicoverpa armigera in organic cotton production (140pp), institute of plant pathology and protection, Agriculture faculty, Goettingen University, Germany.
- Assistant Research in pests and Plant Protection Dep. (Biological Control Unit) in National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt from July 1993 to July 1997.
- Research Associate in the same Department from July 1997 to May 2003.
- Researcher in the same Department from May 2003 to May 2008.
- Assisstant Professor in the same depratment from June 2008 to June 2010.
- Postdoc in Martin Luther University from July 2010 to present
List of publications
Published Manuscripts
1. El-Wakeil N. E. and Volkmar C. (2013) Monitoring of wheat insects and their natural enemies using sticky traps in wheat. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection (accepted) DOI:10.1080/03235408.2013.771439
2. El-Wakeil N.E., Abdel-Moniem A.S.H., Gaafar N., Volkmar C (2013) Effectiveness of some insecticides on wheat blossom midges in winter wheat. Gesunde Pflanzen (Healthy plants) accepted doi:10.1007/s10343-012-0289-7
3. El-Wakeil N. E. and Volkmar C. (2013) Efficacy of Entomopathogenic nematodes against the frit fly Oscinella frit (L.) (Diptera: Chloropidae) on spring wheat. Journal für Kulturpflanzen (Journal of Cultivated Plants) 65: 9-18.
4. El-Wakeil N. E. and Volkmar C. (2012) Effect of Jasmonic Acid Application on Economically Insect Pests and Yield in Spring Wheat. Gesunde Pflanzen 64:107-116.
5. Gaafar N., El-Wakeil N. E. and Volkmar C. (2011) Assessment of wheat ear insects in winter wheat varieties in central Germany. J Pest Sci. 84: 49-59.
6. El-Wakeil N. E. (2011) Impacts of cotton traits on the parasitization of Heliocoverpa armigera eggs by Trichogramma species. Gesunde Pflanzen 63: 83–93.
7. El-Wakeil N.E. and Volkmar C. (2011) Effect of weather conditions on frit fly (Oscinella frit, Diptera: Chloropidae) activity and infestation levels in spring wheat in central Germany. Gesunde Pflanzen 63: 159- 165.
8. El-Wakeil N.E., C. Volkmar and A. A. Sallam (2010) Jasmonic acid induces resistance to economically important insect pests in winter wheat. Pest Manage Sci. 2010; 66: 549–554.
9. El-Wakeil N. E., Gaafar N. and Volkmar C. (2010) Susceptibility of spring wheat to infestation with wheat midges and thrips. J Plant Dis and Prot. 117: 261–267.
10. El-Wakeil, N.E. (2010) Insect economic levels in relation to crop production. Archiv Phytopathol & Plant Prot. 43: 1711–1745.
11. El-Wakeil, N., H. Th. Farghaly and Z.A. Ragab (2009) Efficacy of Trichogramma evanescens in controlling the Grape Berry Moth Lobesia botrana in grape farms in Egypt. Archiv Phytopathol & Plant Prot. 42: 705–714.
12. El-Wakeil, N. E. and M. A. Hussein (2009) Field performance of entomopathogenic nematodes and an egg parasitoid for suppression of corn borers in Egypt. Archiv Phytopathol & Plant Prot. 42 (3): 228 – 237.
13. El-Wakeil N. E. and S.A. Saleh (2009) Effects of neem and diatomaceous earth against Myzus persicae and associated predators in addition to indirect effects on artichoke growth and yield parameters. Archiv Phytopathol & Plant Prot. 42 (12): 1132–1143.
14. El-Wakeil N. E. and T. N. El-Sebai (2009) Role of biofertilizer on faba bean growth, yield, and its effect on bean aphid and the associated predators. Archiv Phytopathol & Plant Prot. 42 (12): 1144–1153
15. Sallam, A.A., C. Volkmar & N.E. El-Wakeil (2009) Effectiveness of different bio–rational insecticides applied on wheat plants to control cereal aphids. J Plant Dis and Prot. 116 (6) 283–287.
16. El-Wakeil N.E., A. A. Sallam and C. Volkmar (2009) Ecological studies on frit fly Oscinella frit (L.) and its control in summer wheat in Central Germany. Mitt Deut Gesell Allge & Ange Entomol.
17: 215-220.17. El-Wakeil, N. E, K. T. Awadallah, H. TH. Farghaly, A. M. Ibrahim and Z. A. Ragab (2008) Efficiency of pupal parasitoid Pediobius furvus (Gahan) as new record for controlling Sesamia cretica (Led.) pupae in Egypt. Archiv Phytopathol & Plant Prot. 41(5): 340 – 348.
18. El-Wakeil, N. E. (2007) Evaluation of Efficiency of Trichogramma evanescens Reared on Different Factitious Hosts to Control Helicoverpa armigera. J Pest Sci. 80: 29–34.
19. Noweer E. A. and N. E. El-wakeil (2007) Combination of the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and the nematode-trapping fungi Dactylaria brochopaga and Arthrobotrys conoidesfor controlling Meloidogyne incognita in tomato fields. Archiv Phytopathol & Plant Prot. 40: 188 – 200.
20. El-Wakeil, N. E., N. Gaafar, and S. Vidal (2006) Side effect of some Neem products on natural enemies of Helicoverpa Trichogramma spp. and Chrysoperla carnea. Archiv Phytopathol & Plant Prot. 39: 445-455.
21. Hussein M. A, N. E. El-Wakeil and T. N. El-Sebai (2006) Susceptibility of melon fruit fly, Dacus ciliatus, to entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida) and to insecticides. Int J Nematology Vol. 16 (1): 13-18.
22. El-Wakeil, N. E. and S. Vidal (2005) Using of Chrysoperla carnea in Combination with Trichogramma Species for Controlling Helicoverpa armigera. Egyptian J Agric Res. 83: 891-905.
23. El-Sebai, T. N., N. E. El-Wakeil and S.A. Abdallah (2005) Efficacy of Certain Mineral, Natural Oils and Insecticides against the Whitefly, Bemisia Tabaci (Genn.) on Cucumber Plants and their Side Effects on the Associated Predators. Bull ent Soc Egypt, Econ Ser. 31: 229-241.
24. Gaafar, N., N. E. El-Wakeil, and S. Vidal (2004) Effects of some Neem products for controlling Helicoverpa Trichogramma under laboratory and Greenhouse conditions. Proc of 14th workshop of neem, 15-16 Nov. 2004, Wetzalr, Germany pp: 95-106.
25. El-Wakeil, N.E., Bernal, J., and Vidal, S. (2003): Effects of jasmonate applications on pest and natural enemy recruitment in BT and non BT-cotton fields, pp: 1239-1248. Proc of the World Cotton Research Conference-3, from 9 to 13 March 2003. Cape Town, South Africa.
26. Ragab, Z. A., Awadallah, K.T., Farghaly, H. Th., Ibrahim, A.M. and El-Wakeil N.E. (2001): Population dynamics of corn pests and their associated predators in sorghum varieties grown in El-Giza Governorate in Egypt. Egyptian J Appl Sci. 16: 652-666.
27. Ragab, Z. A., Awadallah, K.T., Farghaly, H. Th., Ibrahim, A.M. and El-Wakeil N.E. (2001): Seasonal abundance of certain corn pests and their associated predators in maize varieties grown in E-Beheira Governorate in Egypt. Egyptian J Appl Sci. 16: 298-312.
28. Ragab, Z. A., Awadallah, K.T., Farghaly, H. Th., Ibrahim, A.M. and El-Wakeil N.E. (1999): Parasitism rates by Platytelenomus hyailas on Sesamia cretica eggs in certain Governorates in Egypt. Egyptian J Appl Sci. 14: 339-350.
29. Ragab, Z. A., Awadallah, K.T., Farghaly, H. Th., Ibrahim, A.M. and El-Wakeil N.E. (1999): Parasitism rates by Trichogramma evanescens (Westw.) on Ostrinia nubilalis(Hb.) and Chilo agamemnon (Bles) eggs in Maize and Sorghum fields at lower Egypt. Bull Fac Agric., Cairo Uni. 50: 99-116.
30. Ragab, Z. A., Awadallah, K.T., Farghaly, H. Th., Ibrahim, A.M. and El-Wakeil N.E. 1998): Relationship between egg -cluster size of corn borers Ostrinia nubilalis (Hb.) and Chilo Agamemnon (Bles) and the rate of Parasitism of Trichogramma evanescens (Westw.). Egyptian J Appl Sci. 13: 611-619.
Book Chapters
1. El-Wakeil N., Gaafar N, El-Wakeil M and Volkmar C (2012) Wheat midges and thrips information system: Decision making in central Germany. Pages:525-550 (Published in book entitled "Integrated Pest Management and Pest Control" Intech Open Access Publisher, ISBN 978-953-307-926-4.) http://cdn.intechopen.com/pdfs/29619/InTech-Wheat_midges_and_thrips_information_system_decision_making_in_central_germany.pdf
2. Sallam A. and El-Wakeil N. (2012) Chapter Title: Biological and Ecological Studies on Land Snails and Their Control. Pages: 413-444 (Published in book entitled "Integrated Pest Management and Pest Control" Intech Open Access Publisher, ISBN 978-953-307-926-4.) http://cdn.intechopen.com/pdfs/29615/InTech-Biological_and_ecological_studies_on_land_snails_and_their_control.pdf
3. El-Wakeil N. and Abd-Alla A. (2012) Cotton pests and the actual strategies for their management control. Pages: 1-59; published in Book entitled: Cotton: Cultivation, varieties, protection and uses by Nova Publishers- ISBN: 978-1-61942-746-4. https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=31529
4. El-Wakeil N., Gaafar N., Sallam A. and Volkmar C. (2013) Side Effects of Insecticide Applications on Natural Enemies and Possibility of Integration in Plant Protection Strategies. Pages 1-56, published in book" Insecticides: Development of Safer and More Effective Technologies (ISBN 978-953-51-0958-7) Intech Open Access Publisher http://cdn.intechopen.com/pdfs/42191/InTechSide_effects_of_insecticides_on_natural_enemies_and_possibility_of_their_integration_in_plant_protection_strategies.pdf
5. El-Wakeil N., Shalaby S., Abdou G. and Sallam A. (2013) Pesticide-residue relationship and its adverse effects on occupational workers. Pages 57-81, published in book" Insecticides: Development of Safer and More Effective Technologies (ISBN 978-953-51-0958-7) Intech Open Access Publisher http://www.intechopen.com/books/insecticides-development-of-safer-and-more-effective-technologies/pesticide-residue-relationship-and-its-adverse-effects-on-occupational-workers
6. Gaafar N., El-Wakeil N., and Volkmar C. (2013) Assessment of ear insects in wheat varieties: Monitoring & Management. Südwestdeutscher Publisher (ISBN 978-3-8381-3583-0 (124 pages)). http://www.amazon.com/Assessment-ear-insects-wheat-varieties/dp/3838135830