Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Roggen IAEW


Studienberatung nach Anmeldung
Dr. Annett Weltrowski

phone: 0345 55 22 302

Karl-Freiherr-von-Fritsch-Str. 4
06120 Halle / Saale

Vorsitzender der Studien- und Prüfungsausschüsse BSc und MSc Agrarwissenschaften:
Prof. Dr. Klaus Pillen

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Institute of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences

Foto: MLU, Reinhold Jahn

Foto: MLU, Reinhold Jahn

Foto: MLU, Reinhold Jahn

Managing Director
Prof. Dr. Norbert Hirschauer
Deputy DirectorsProf. Dr. Robert Mikutta
Prof. Dr. Andrea Henze

Karl-Freiherr-von-Fritsch-Str. 4
06120 Halle

Contact: Claudia Kirchner-Schürz
Tel: +49(0)345 - 55 22 301
Fax: +49(0)345 - 55 27 118

Head of office: Dr. Annett Weltrowski
Phone: +49(0)345 - 55 22 302

Postal address
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III
Institut für Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften
06099 Halle

Spannendes und Erfolgreiches

Ernährungswissenschaften der MLU übernehmen wissenschaftliche Leitung des 62. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung

Bildnachweis: ©GMeta – generiert mit KI /

Bildnachweis: ©GMeta – generiert mit KI /

Prof. Andrea Henze, Prof. Gabriele Stangl and Prof. Wim Wätjen are responsible for the scientific organization of this year's DGE Congress with their expertise in the field of nutritional science, which they have placed under the theme “What determines our food choices? The influence of culture and biology”.

How get the pig your snout

The domestic animal collection from the MLU Institute of Agriculture is making headlines with its pigs. A team led by Dr. Renate Schafberg has discovered that domestic pigs have changed significantly over the last 100 years. Breeding selection has greatly shortened the pig's snout and widened its skull. Humans have done it: evolution in fast-forward.

Puzzle of plant proteins

Arabidopsis plants. Foto: M. Quint

Arabidopsis plants. Foto: M. Quint

see PDF MZ Press Article
2025-01-07-Mitteldeutsche-Zeitung-SFB-MZ.pdf (2.9 MB)  vom 15.01.2025

Senkt Hedging das unternehmerische Risiko?

Foto: Karoline Vorlop

Foto: Karoline Vorlop

A study of 2,200 farms by Lukas Sigl and Prof. Norbert Hirschauer shows that in the majority of cases, “hedging” with commodity futures would have only slightly reduced or even increased “whole-farm risk”. This contradicts the positive and hasty assessment of many agricultural economists.
01-2025-DLG-Mitteilungen(Sigl+Hirschauer).pdf (2.3 MB)  vom 18.02.2025
