Dr. Claudia Flügel
Telefon: +49 (0)345 55 22 682
Telefax: +49 (0)345 55 27 222
Betty-Heimann-Strasse 3
06120 Halle / Saale
Plant Nutrition 2014 International Conference
Plant Nutrition 2014 -
From Basic Understanding to Better Crops
Halle (Saale), 10 - 12 September 2014
Dear Visitors,
on behalf of the local organizing committee, we cordially invite you to attend the biannual International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition, which will be held at the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg on 10 - 12 September 2014.
The German Society of Plant Nutrition (DGP) is the professional organization in Germany that brings together scientists from all areas of Plant Nutrition. This year's International Conference of the DGP will forge a bridge from basic research on molecular and physiological mechanisms as well as plant-soil interactions to practical applications in crop improvement and fertilization. It will cover a range of hot focal topics, and a number of excellent keynote speakers have agreed to introduce current developments in their field. In addition, there will be thematically open talks selected from the abstracts.
Topical sessions will focus on:
- Root development and function
- Nutrient and stress signalling
- Micronutrients
- Soil fertility and fertilization
- Plant senescence and nutrient retranslocation
The meeting will be framed by opening and closing lectures that provide perspectives on current and future challenges in Plant Nutrition research. After the conference, there will be an excursion to visit the phenotyping facilities at the IPK Gatersleben.
The conference will be held in the beautiful and historic University town of Halle , also home of the second-oldest fertilization trial in the world. Halle is connected to the country's high-speed railway network and less than 20 minutes from Leipzig-Halle International Airport. With around 20,000 students, Halle has a great variety of pubs, bars, and restaurants to socialize and to continue scientific discussions until late. There are many options of accommodation at Halle. We have negotiated special rates for a number of places that can be found on this website.
We are looking forward to an exciting meeting at Halle in September 2014.
Sincerely yours,
Edgar Peiter (Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg)
Nicolaus von Wirén (IPK Gatersleben)
Doris Vetterlein (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ)
For further information and registration, please follow the links shown on the left-hand side of this page.
Announcement for Download
The first announcement for display on the noticeboard of your institution can be downloaded here:
(214,6 KB) vom 03.03.2014