Halle Plant Science Colloquium
Interdepartmental colloquium of University groups working on any aspect of functional plant biology
The talks take place on Tuesdays:
- at 12:30 in Large Biochemistry Lecture Hall, Kurt Mothes Strasse 3, Weinberg Campus (BC)
or - at 17:00 in lecture hall E.02, Theodor Lieser Strasse 9, Campus Heide Süd (HS),
unless noted otherwise below.
If you would like to meet the speaker in person, please contact the respective host in advance.
The colloquium is an integral part of and supported by the Research Training Group 2498 "Communication and Dynamics of Plant Cell Compartments" and
the Collaborative Research Centre 1664 "SNP2Prot - Plant Proteform Diversity", both funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
The seminar schedule is listed below and will be updated regularly. The association of talks with RTG2498 and CRC1664 is indicated as RTG and CRC, respectively.
If you would like to receive announcements by email, please notify plant.nutrition@landw.uni-halle.de.
Colloquium speakers and talks from previous semesters are listed here.
Host groups
- Microbial Biotechnology (Sven-Erik Behrens)
- Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (Jörg Degenhardt)
- Phytopathology and Plant Protection (Holger Deising)
- Bioinformatics (Ivo Große)
- Plant Biochemistry (Ingo Heilmann)
- Plant Physiology (Klaus Humbeck)
- Biosynthesis of active substances (Björn Junker)
- Botany (Ralf Bernd Klösgen)
- Cell Physiology (Kristina Kühn)
- Plant Genetics (Sascha Laubinger)
- Plant Nutrition (Edgar Peiter)
- Plant Breeding (Klaus Pillen)
- Crop Physiology (Marcel Quint)
- Plant Organelle Shape and Dynamics (Martin Schattat)
Winter Semester 2024/25
Date Series | Host | Speaker | Title |
12/11/24 RTG | Ingo Heilmann | Martin Potocký (Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Experimental Botany, Prague, CZ) | Cracking the Secret(ion) Code: The Evolution and Role of Lipid-Protein Interactions in Plant Exocyst Complex |
26/11/24 RTG | Ingo Heilmann | Kateřina Schwarzerová (Charles University Prague, CZ) | ARP2/3 and how to make it visible |
03/12/24 RTG | Etienne Meyer | Florent Waltz (University of Basel, Switzerland) | High Resolution Investigation of Mitochondrial Molecular Architecture using Cryo-Electron Tomography |
20/01/25 CRC | Steffen Abel (IPB), Edgar Peiter | Ute Krämer (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany) | The genetic basis of adaptive physiological traits in the extremophile Arabidopsis halleri |
11/02/25 15:00 Halle Biosciences Seminar (Biocentre Seminar Room) | Michael Zahn (Biocentre) | Sophia Gerasimova (Core Facility Genome Editing and Plant Transformation), Dominik Homann (Organic Chemistry, Weissenborn lab) | Introduction of the Core Facility Plant Transformation and Genome Editing; Nobel Applications and Characterisations of Unspecific Peroxygenases |
25/02/25 | |||
04/03/25 | |||
11/03/25 12:30 BC CRC | Panagiotis Kastritis | Roman Kouril (Palacky University Olomouc, CZ) | Mimicking the spruce-type photosystem II supercomplex in Arabidopsis thaliana |
18/03/25 17:00 HS RTG | Rabe Klösgen | t.b.a. | t.b.a. |
25/03/25 |
Summer Semester 2025
Date Series | Host | Speaker | Title |
01/04/25 Halle Biosciences Seminar (Biocentre Seminar Room) | Michael Zahn (Biocentre) | t.b.a. | t.b.a. |
08/04/25 17:00 HS CRC | Sascha Laubinger | Holger Puchta (KIT, Karlsruhe) | t.b.a. |
15/04/25 | |||
22/04/25 | |||
29/04/25 12:30 BC CRC | Marcel Quint | Christina Weinberg (MLU, Halle) | t.b.a. |
06/05/25 | |||
13/05/25 | |||
20/05/25 | |||
27/05/25 12:30 BC RTG | Kristina Kühn | Morgane Michaud (CEA Grenoble, Cell & Plant Physiology Laboratory, France) | How is mitochondrial lipid transport regulated in response to phosphate starvation in Arabidopsis thaliana? |
03/06/25 | |||
10/06/25 | |||
17/06/25 | |||
24/06/25 | |||
01/07/25 12:30 BC RTG | Martin Schattat | Jaideep Mathur (University of Guelph, Canada) | t.b.a. |
08/07/25 |