Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Richard Völker

Phone: ++49 345 5522364

Mail: richard.voelker (at)

Research Interests

  • Animal Protection and Animal Welfare
  • Media Framing and Text Analysis
  • Behavioral Economics (e.g. Information Avoidance, Moral Hazard)

Research Project

Investigating the links between the intensity of livestock farming and animal protection. The case of pig farming in Germany

Curriculum Vitae

Since 01/2021: Collaboration in the research project "An analysis of the acceptance and rejection of transparency systems among food inspectors and food business operators" with a focus on “information avoidance” regarding animal protection and food safety (funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) - project number 203552599).

Since 10/2018: Research assistant at the Chair of Agribusiness Management

07/2018: Master of Science in Agricultural Economics, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Thesis: Asymmetric information in animal protection and violation of the animal protection law)

04/2018 ­– 09/2018: Employment abroad in London (UK)

08/2015: Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

06/2014- 10/2016: Co-founder and coordinator of the students‘ initiative “Sustainable Agriculture” (Zukunftsfähige Landwirtschaft)


Contribution to Research Handbooks

Research handbook on Nudges and Society ISBN 978-1-03-530302-1

Research handbook on Nudges and Society ISBN 978-1-03-530302-1

Research handbook on Nudges and Society ISBN 978-1-03-530302-1

Völker, R., Grüner, S. (2023). Animal protection and information avoidance. In C.R Sunstein & L.A. Reisch (Eds.), Research handbook on nudges and society (pp. 109–121). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Professional Journals

Völker, R., Hirschauer, N. (2019): Tierschutz: Was wir wissen und was nicht. AGRA-EUROPE 42/19, 14. Oktober 2019, Länderberichte Sonderbeilage: 1-3.
Völker+Hirschauer-2019-Tierschutz.pdf (56.2 KB)  vom 30.10.2019

Conference Contributions

Völker, R., Grüner, S., (2024): Wollen wir überhaupt wissen, wie der Status quo im Tierschutz ist? Tagungsbeitrag. 63. Jahrestagung der GEWISOLA, 20.-22. September 2023, Göttingen. Abrufbar unter:   

Völker, R. (2020): Schweinehaltung in Deutschland: Eine Analyse der Zusammenhänge zwischen Haltungsintensität und Tierschutz. Posterbeitrag. 60. Jahrestagung der GEWISOLA, 23.-25. September 2020, Halle (Saale). DOI:    10.22004/ag.econ.305629.


Voelker, R., Hirschauer, N., Lind, F., Gruener, S. (2024). Search term validation in agricultural economics: conceptual background and application.   

Völker, R., Grüner, S., (2023): Wollen wir überhaupt wissen, wie der Status quo im Tierschutz ist?   

Voelker, R., Gruener, S., (2023): Animal Protection and Information Avoidance.   

Science Transfer

Völker, R. (2024): Nutztierhaltung: Zwischen Ethik und Etikett. Interview für die Campus Halensis - Das Onlinemagazin der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Abrufbar unter:   

Völker, R., Grüner, S., Tappendorf, S., (2023): Science Cube Agribusiness: Wissenschaft zum Mitmachen. Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.


Seminars in winter term:

"Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility" "Riskmanagement"

Seminars in summer term:

Part of "Seminar on specific issues in agricultural economics and supervision of bachelor theses"

Further education

2019 - 2022: Doctoral Certificate Program in Agricultural Economics

2019 - 2022: Certificate in Higher Education Didactics
