Professur für Agrar-, Umwelt-, und Ernährungspolitik
phone: +49 345 5522-511
Sekretariat: Franziska Pohle
Besucher Adresse:
Von-Seckendorff-Platz 4
06120 Halle (Saale)
4. Etage
postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III
Professur für Agrar-, Umwelt- und Ernährungspolitik
06099 Halle (Saale)
Agricultural, Environmental and Food Policy & Resource Governance

Germany wants to further expand renewable energies for more climate protection and a crisis-proof, independent energy supply. What does the associated land use mean for agriculture and biodiversity? Which governance structures can and must be developed to take into account all competing needs and demands?
Welcome to the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Policy
The specialty of the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Policy is studying its three policy areas in an integrated way. This allows research and scientific analysis that reflects the manifold demands of society on today’s agricultural producers. Governance – intelligently and accommodated, in cooperation with non-academic actors designed coordination mechanisms – is crucial to using the resources in a sustainable way and to provide them. In the center of our research and science communication are therefore complex and interconnected environmental and societal challenges. Co-operative solutions and commons theory are thus focussed as promising approaches, next to traditional governance systems, such as market-mechanisms, hierarchical coordination, hybrid forms and polycentric approaches.
As societies face challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, geo-political dependencies and population growth, how can we develop forward-looking policies and other measures to help individuals and organizations make the adaptations that will be required? We draw on qualitative and quantitative methods to study formal and informal coordination mechanisms of complex socio-ecological-technical systems and develop methods to measure success of societal transformation.
Our research is relevant for today’s society, problem-oriented and is essential to communication between science, society and policy. We work interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary.
Leader of the Department

Phone: +49 345 55 22 510