Public Media Presence
Press Releases
Prof. Insa Theesfeld receives the official certificate as vice-rector at the investiture
Research report published: New governance forms of organizing shared land ownership
Towards a common good in agriculture: leading to better access to land and increasing vitality in rural areas
Press Release BMEL Staatssekretärin Nick zu Boden in Gemeinschaft
Pressemitteilung_BMEL Staatssekretärin Nick zu Boden in Gemeinschaft.pdf
(69.5 KB) vom 11.04.2022
Pay more attention to the social situation on farms when transforming agriculture!
With the collaboration of Dr. Frauke Pirscher, the "Platform for Agricultural Socio-Economics" presents a memorandum on the social aspects of sustainable agriculture.
Platform Agricultural Socio-Economy - Memorandum
Pressemitteilung Memorandum Soziale Aspekte 2021-10-29.pdf
(174.2 KB) vom 12.11.2021
Prof. Theesfeld becomes Research Director of the Commons Governance Program at the Ostrom Workshop, USA
Paper on Social Learning in Community Gardens released
Paper on Landgrabbing in East Germany released
Prof. Theesfeld has been elected President of the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC)
Paper on consumers' moral attitude and their willingness to pay
Prof. Theesfeld organises the European component for the ,,World Commons Week''
Newspaper Articels
Campus Halensis, online magazine of the Martin Luther University, 07/24,
Insa Theesfeld becomes Senior Research Fellow at the renowned Ostrom Workshop
The economist and Vice-Rector for Human Resources and Organisational Development Prof. Dr Insa Theesfeld has been appointed Senior Research Fellow of the Ostrom Workshop at Indiana University Bloomington. The ceremony took place at the end of June in the USA. Theesfeld is the only researcher from Europe to hold this position. The fellowship honours longstanding and outstanding contributions to the work of the Ostrom Workshop.
by Tom Leonhardt
brand eins - Wirtschaftsmagazin 08/22; "back to the roots"
Interview with I. Theesfeld: "Community Supported Agriculture will continue to grow"
brand eins-Container: Landwirtschaft #03.
The Article:
(externe Datei)
AGRA-EUROPE, Studie der Universität Halle
Neue Organisationsformen des Landeigentums attraktiv für Landwirte
Articel in AGRA-EUROPE, 2022/04/11
(externe Datei)
Tagesspiegel Background Energie & Klima, Portrait Insa Theesfeld, 2021/09/07
The Article:
Porträt von Insa Theesfeld - Tagesspiegel Background_07-09-2021.pdf
(1.5 MB) vom 24.09.2021
Food concerns everyone: Understanding food systems as a common good?
Article in Welternährung the journal of Welthungerhilfe
Sale and Lease Back of Agricultural Land—Article in AgraEurope, issue 45, 02.11.2020
Wie gut kann billig sein?
Basisdemokratie beim Gemüseanbau
The Article:
News_2020_MZ Artikel Gärten.pdf
(1.4 MB) vom 29.01.2020
Der gute Bauer und das begehrte Land
The Article:
Artikel_MitteldeutscheZeitung_17 Nov-1-1.pdf
(736.4 KB) vom 11.12.2019
Geld und Tierwohl, Interview in Lebensmittelpraxis 18, 2019
The Article:
(620.5 KB) vom 29.01.2020