Completed projects
Scaling up experiential learning tools for sustainable water governance in India (BMZ – IFPRI Project)
Duration: 01. 2020 – 12. 2022
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI),
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT),
Foundation for Ecological Security (FES) in India,
The National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE),
and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU).
Researcher: Insa Theesfeld, Ilkhom Soliev, Florentien Moder
Keywords: water governance, India, experiments, learning, scaling up initiative
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The future of the Rights of Nature: an interdisciplinary scoping analysis (AHRC UK)
Duration: 11.12.2020 - 31.01.2022
- Prof. Jeremie Gilbert, Roehampton University
- Dr. Robert Grabowski, Cranfield University
- Prof. Anne Robertson, Roehampton University
- Dr. Ilkhom Soliev, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
- Dr. Saskia Vermeylen, University of Strathclyde
- Dr. Neil Williams, Roehampton University
Researcher: Ilkhom Soliev, Marie Schreiber
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MINT-Korrespondenzzirkel (BMBF)
Laufzeit: 2019-2022
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New Concepts of Landgrabbing in the Developed World. Cases from East Germany and Poland (Dissertation)
Researcher: Ramona Bunkus
Supervisor: Insa Theesfeld
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Categorizing Urban Gardens: Collective Action in Community Gardens (Dissertation)
Researcher: Nicole Rogge
Supervisors: Insa Theesfeld, Carola Strassner
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AgriTip: Modelling the co-evolution of socio-economic and ecological
systems in Agriculture to develop early warning systems for Tipping
points (BMBF-Project)
Duration: Preliminary phase: 2017-2018
Prof. Dr. Frank Wätzold, Dr. Astrid Sturm, Charlotte Gerling: BTU
Cottbus-Senftenberg, Chair of Environmental Economics (coordination)
Prof. Dr. Insa Theesfeld: Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
(MLU), Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Policy
Dr. Dr. Martin Drechsler: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental
Research, Department of Ecological Modelling
Prof. Dr. Johannes Isselstein: Georg-August Universität Göttingen,
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Chair of Grassland Science
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Nixdorf, Dr. Jacqueline Rücker: BTU Cottbus-
Senftenberg, Chair of Freshwater Conservation
Prof. Dr. Ralph Meißner: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental
Research, Department of Soil Physics
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Power in Institutions and Institutional Analysis
Coordinators of the Working Group: Prakash Kashwan, Gustavo Garcia, Eric Coleman, & Insa Theesfeld
Duration: 2015 - 2017
Keywords: institutional analysis, social dilemmas, power concepts, - theories and - operationalization
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Breaking the Code: Synthesizing coding efforts for Social-Ecological Systems (SES) Research
Duration: 2015 - 2016
Researchers: Elicia Ratajcyk, Ute Brady, Frederike Klümper, Graham Epstein
Keywords: social-ecological systems/ comparative case study analysis/ meta-analysis/ institutions/ workshop
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Agricultural Restructuring, Water Scarcity and the Adaptation to Climate Change in Central Asia: A Five-Country Study (AGRIWANET)
Duration: 2014-2016
Financed by: German Federal Ministry of Education and Reserch (BMBF)
- Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Chair of Agricultural Marekt Theory, Chair of Agricultural, Environmental and food Policy)
- Kazakhstan Association of Economists (KAE), Astana
- Institute of Public Policy and Adminstration (IPPA) , University of Central Asia Bishkek, Kyrgystan
- Cetre of Economic Researchers (CER), Dushanbe, Tajikistan
- Tebigy Kuwwat Soicial Unit Enterprise, Ashgbat, Turkmenistan,
- Center for Economic Development (CED) , Tashkent, Uzbekistan
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KULUNDA: How do you impose the next "Global Dust Bowl"? - Ecological and economic strategies for the subsequent use of land in Russian steppes: A contribution to adaptation to climate change "(BMBF project)
Duration: 2011-2016
Researchers: Insa Theesfeld, Ladislav Jelinek
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Follow the leader natural resource economics and the role of leadership in collective action
Duration: 2012 - 2015
Researchers: Insa Theesfeld, Ulrich Frey
Keywords: power concepts / leadership / collective action / large-N data
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Institutional Analysis of Decentralization and Options of Stakeholders for Participation in Agro-rural Policy Design
Duration: 1st August 2010 – 31 December 2014
Funded by: German Research Foundation
Researchers: Insa Theesfeld, Gertrud Buchenrieder, Thom Dufhues
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Is land (re-)allocation in agrarian transitions water grabbing in disguise? The land and water nexus of Tajikistan (Dissertation)
Researcher: Frederike Klümper
The PhD. project was located at the Leibniz-
Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO).
Supervisors: Insa Theesfeld und Thomas Herzfeld (IAMO)
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Too much but not enough! Issues of water management in Albania and Kosovo (Dissertation)
Researcher: Klodjan Rama
The PhD project was located at the Leibniz-
Institute of Agricultural Developement in Transition Economies (IAMO)
Supervisors: Insa Theesfeld und Thomas Herzfeld (IAMO)
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SEAMLESS: System for Environmental and Agricultural Modelling – Procedure for Institutional Compatibility Analysis (EU FP6 Integrated Project)
Duration: 2005 -2009
Funded by: EU
Coordinated by: Dr. Martin Ittersum, University of Wageningen, the Netherlands
Subproject Research Team: Insa Theesfeld, Christian Schleyer, Konrad Hagedorn, Olivier Aznar, Jean-Marc Callois, Martin Yelkouni, Johanna Alkan Olsson
Institutional Requirements for Integrated Water Resource Management
Duration: 2010
Funded by: Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften (acatech)
Researchers: Insa Theesfeld, Christian Schleyer
Innovative institutions to cope with climate change-induced challenges for agricultural water management. A survey on present strategies among water agencies in three developed countries
Duration: 2009
Funded by: German Development Institute
Researchers: Insa Theesfeld, Oscar Schmidt
FOODIMA: EU Food Industry Dynamics abd Methodological Advances
Duration: 2007-2009
Funded by: EU
Reseacher: Frauke Pirscher
Erfolgsfaktoren bei der nachhaltigen Bewertschaftung gemeinschaftlich genutzter Ressourcen: Wie man die "tragedy of the commons" vermeidet
Duration: 2010-2013
Funded by: BMBF in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Elinor Ostrom
Researcher: Ulrich Frey
Der blinde Fleck - Kognitive Fehler in der Wissenschaft und ihre evolutionsbiologischen Grundlagen
Duration: 2004-2006
Funded by: DFG
Researchers: Ulrich Frey, Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerhard Vollmer