Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Breaking the Code: Synthesizing coding efforts for Social-Ecological Systems (SES) Research

Together with three PhD students from Arizona State University and University of Waterloo, Frederike Gehrigk received approval for a SESYNC graduate student led workshop taking place in July 2016, in the frame of the Breaking the Code research initiative.

The US Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) Link:    is dedicated to developing socio-environmental synthesis knowledge and skills among students and scholars. SESYNC’s education programs and initiatives support research that will advance understanding of socio-environmental teaching and learning, opportunities for students and scholars to learn about and practice socio-environmental synthesis, and the development of socio-environmental synthesis teaching resources.

The complexities of social-ecological systems have been investigated in single case studies over time by academics and practitioners. Empirical evidence has shown multiple ways for sustainable governance of common-pool resources. The challenge to synthesize and scale up outcomes of these case studies has increasingly been addressed and investigated in large-n databases. These databases, where different case studies have been coded, were developed to compare and to analyse with multiple qualitative and quantitative methods the persistence between the governance systems, across scales, sectors and even over multiple time periods. However, different coding investigations with various coding protocols developed over time. So far, this does not allow for comparisons between datasets.

Therefore, this project aims to synthesize ongoing and parallel efforts of different SES datasets that developed during the past years. A common understanding of coding schemes, protocols and difficulties will be addressed, bringing together students and experts of different coding schools. The group organizes different activities to include as many interested students as possible: 1) virtual workshop prior to the main workshop that can be held at various institutes (call for applications will be out soon), 2) SESYNC workshop taking place in July 2016 (call for applications will be out soon, open for about 15 PhD students and 10 experts).

SESYNC Graduate Student Workshop   
