Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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Jago Birk

Ehemaliger Doktorand


Biomarkeranalysen in Terra Preta

Betreuer: Bruno Glaser

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Peer-reviewed publications

  • Renard D, Birk JJ, Zangerléd A, Lavelled P, Glaser B, Blatrix R, Mckey D (in press) Ancient human agricultural practices can promote activities of contemporary non human soil ecosystem engineers: a case study in coastal savannas of French Guiana. Soil Biology and Biochemistry
  • Glaser B, Birk JJ (2012) State of the scientific knowledge on properties and genesis of Anthropogenic Dark Earths in Central Amazonia  (terra preta de Índio). Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 82: 39–51.
  • Renard D, Birk JJ, Glaser B, Iriarte J, Grisard G, Karl J, McKey D (2012) Origin of mound-field landscapes: a multi-proxy approach combining contemporary vegetation, carbon stable isotopes and phytoliths. Plant and Soil 351: 337–353.
  • Birk JJ, Teixeira W.G, Neves E.G, Glaser B (2011) Faeces deposition on Amazonian Anthrosols as assessed from 5[beta]-stanols. Journal of Archaeological Science 38(6): 1209-1220.
  • Renard D, Iriarte J, Birk JJ, Rostain S, Glaser B, McKey D (2011) Ecological engineers ahead of their time: The functioning of pre-
    Columbian raisedfield agriculture and its potential contributions to sustainability today. Ecological Engineering, in press.
  • Iriarte J, Glaser B, Watling J, Wainwright A, Birk JJ, Renard D, Rostain S, Mckey D (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science 37(12): 2984-2994.
  • Mckey D, Rostain S, Iriarte J, Glaser B, Birk JJ, Holst I, Renard D (2010) Pre-Columbian agricultural landscapes, ecosystem engineers, and self-organized patchiness in Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107(17): 7823-7828.

Book contributions

  • Birk JJ, Steiner C, Teixeira WG, Zech M, Glaser B (2009) Microbial response to charcoal amendments and fertilization of a highly weathered tropical soil in Woods. In: W, Teixeira WG, Lehmann J, Steiner C, Winklerprins A, Rebellato L: Amazonian Dark Earths: Wim Sombroeks vision, Springer Verlag, 309-324.

Conference contributions

  • Birk JJ, Dippold M, Wiesenberg GLB, Glaser B (2012). Combined  quantification of faecal steroids and analysis of their binding types  in soils. EUROSOIL, Bari (Poster).
  • Birk JJ, Dippold M , Wiesenberg GLB, Glaser B (2011). A new method for the combined detection of different faecal  biomarker classes and their binding types in soils using GC/MS.  Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Berlin  (Poster).
  • Dippold M, Birk JJ, Wiesenberg GLB, Glaser B (2011). A new method for the combined detection of different faecal biomarker classes and their binding types in soils using GC/MS. 25th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Interlaken (Poster).
  • Birk JJ, Teixeira WG, Neves EG, McKey D, Rostain S, Renard D, Iriarte J, Grosch H, Thrippleton T, Stark S, Dippold M, Rebellato L, Sauheitl L, Glaser B (2010) Nutrients and nutrient sources in Amazonian Dark Earths and raised fields, Second International Meeting on Amazonian Archaeology (EIAA2), Manaus.
  • Birk JJ, Teixeira WG, Neves EG, Dippold M, Rebellato L, Sauheitl L, Glaser B (2010) Terras Pretas: Geochemical properties and the origin of nutrients, Meeting on Amazonian Archaeology organised by Vale, Carajás.
  • Birk JJ, Teixeira WG, Neves EG, Sauheitl L, Coban H, Glaser B (2009) Ancient manuring of Amazonian Dark Earths as assessed by molecular markers, Black Soils and Black Sediments – Archives of Landscape Evolution - Distribution, Formation, Degradation, and Properties - International Workshop, Dresden.
  • Birk JJ, Lensi R, Karl J, Hitziger M, Thrippleton T, McKey D, Glaser B, (2008) Pre-Columbian raised fields in French Guiana couple the actions of human and natural ecosystem engineers: evidence from soil geochemical and physical studies, World Archaeological Congress: Dublin.
  • Birk JJ, Teixeira W, Neves E, Glaser B (2008) Origin of nutrients in Amazonian Dark Earths as assessed by molecular markers, World Archaeological Congress, Dublin.
  • Birk JJ, Grosch, H, Neves, E, Teixeira, WG, Glaser B (2007) Rekonstruktion von Besiedlungsmuster und -intensität einer Terra Preta anhand der kleinräumigen Nährstoffverteilung, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 110/2, 643-644.

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