Dr. Katja Wiedner
Ehemalige Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin & Laborleiterin
Anthrosols, historical land use, molecular archaeology, sustainable land use, microplastic in soils, global change
Peer-reviewed publications
- Polifka S, Wiedner K, Glaser B. (2018) Increased CO2 fluxes from a sandy Cambisol under agricultural use in the Wendland region, Northern Germany, three years after biochar substrates application. GCB Bioenergy. 2018;00:1?13. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcbb.12517
- Glatter M, Wiedner K, Hirche F, Mielenz N, Hillegeist D, Bochnia M, Cehak A, Bachmann M, Greef JM, Glaser B, Wolf P, Breves G and Zeyner A (2016) Fermentation Characteristics along the Gastrointestinal Tract after Feeding of Jerusalem Artichoke Meal to Adult Healthy Warmblood Horses. Journal of Animal Nutrition, PDF
- Wiedner K, Fischer D, Walther S, Criscuoli I, Favilli F, Nelle O, Glaser B (2015) Acceleration of biochar surface oxidation during composting? Agricultural and food chemistry, doi:10.1021/acs.jafc.5b00846
- Wiedner K, Schneeweiß J, Dippold M,Glaser B (2015) Anthropogenic Dark Earth in Northern Germany – The Nordic Analogue to terra preta de Índio in Amazonia. Special Issue Catena: Anthropogenic footprints recorded in soils, doi:10.1016/j.catena.2014.10.024 .
- Glaser B, Wiedner K, Seelig S, Schmidt H-P, Gerber H (2015) Biochar organic fertilizers from natural resources as substitute for mineral fertilizers. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, doi:10.1007/s13593-014-0251-4 .
- Riedel T, Iden S, Geilich J, Wiedner K, Durner W, Biester H (2014) Changes in the molecular composition of organic matter leached from an agricultural topsoil following addition of biomass-derived black carbon (biochar). Organic Geochemistry 69: 52–60, doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2014.02.003 .
- Wiedner K, Rumpel C, Steiner C, Pozzi A, Maas R, Glaser B (2013)
Chemical evaluation of chars produced by thermochemical conversion (gasification, pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization) of agro-industrial biomass on a commercial scale. Biomass and Bioenergy, doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2013.08.026
- Naisse C, Alexis M, Plante A, Wiedner K, Glaser B, Pozzi A, Carcaillet C, Criscuoli I, Rumpel C (2013) Can biochar and hydrochar stability be assessed with chemical methods? Organic Geochemistry, ISSN 01466380, doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2013.04.011 .
- Wiedner K, Naisse C, Rumpel C, Pozzi A, Wieczorek P, Glaser B (2012) Chemical modification of biomass residues during hydrothermal carbonization – What makes the difference, temperature or feedstock? Organic Geochemistry, doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2012.10.006 .
Book contributions
- Wiedner K, Glaser B (2014) Traditional use of biochar. In: Biochar for Environmental Management: Science(2nd Eds.) Technology and Implementation/Application.
- Wiedner K, Glaser B (2013) Biochar-fungi interactions in soils. In: Ladygina N, Rineau F (Eds.) Biochar and Soil Biota, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Link
- Glaser B, Wiedner K, Dippold M (2013) Studying the role of biochar using isotopic tracing techniques. In: Ladygina N, Rineau F (Eds.) Biochar and Soil Biota, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Link
Conference contributions
- Wiedner K, Glaser B, Polifka S, Klamm M (2014) Biomarker in begrabenen historischen Böden (Beispiele: Wendland, Memleben), 8. Deutscher Archäologiekongress, Berlin, Germany (oral presentation)
- Wiedner K, Glaser B, Polifka S, Klamm M (2014) Historic Anthrosols-
An interdisziplinary source of knowledge, 20th Annual Meetıng of the European Assocıatıon of Archaeologısts, Istanbul, Turkey (oral presentation)
- Wiedner K (2014) Bildung anthropogener Schwarzerden im gemäßigten Klima? Nordic Dark Earth im Wendland, BUND Tagung: Qualitätssicherung und Umwelteffekte von Pflanzenkohle, Hannover, Germany (oral presentation)
- Wiedner K, Schneeweiß J, Dippold M, Birk J, Glaser B (2013) Anthropogene Schwarzerden im Einzugsgebiet der Unteren Mittelelbe? (Anthropogenic Dark Earth in the lower Elbe basin?), Deutsche Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft, Jahrestagung 2013, Rostock, Germany (Oral Presentation)
- Wiedner K, Glaser B, Thomsen J, Bischoff W-A (2013) Effekt von Biokohle auf die Stickstoff- und Phosphatauswaschung in den sandigen Böden des norddeutschen Tieflands (Wendland Region), ANS Symposium 2013, Potsdam, Germany (Oral Presentation)
- Wiedner K, Rumpel C, Glaser B(2013) Pyrolysis, gasification and hydrothermal carbonization - A chemical evaluation of endproducts. 1st MEDITERRANEAN BIOCHAR SYMPOSIUM AGENDA, January 2013, Vertemate com Minoprio, Italy (Oral presentation)
- Wiedner K, Glaser B, Hilber I (2012) Biochars and Hydrochars – A possible source of organic pollutants? July 2012, EuroSoil, Bari, Itlay (Oral Presentation)
- Wiedner K, Baumgartl M-L, Favilli F, Criscuoli I, Walther S, Fischer D, Miglietta F, Glaser B (2012) Surface oxidation of modern and fossil biochars. July 2012, EuroSoil, Bari, Italy (Poster)
Betreuer: Bruno Glaser
Properties of thermochemically altered biomass and its effects in soil - From archaeological periods to present times.