Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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Weitere Veröffentlichungen in den Veröffentlichungsverzeichnissen der einzelnen Personen.

Marten Graubner & Richard J. Sexton (2022): More competitive than you think? Pricing and location of processing firms in agricultural markets. American Journal of Agricultural Economics,   .

Gebbers, R. (2022). Sensorbasierte Bodenkartierung: Grundlagen und Überführung in die Praxis. LAD-Düngerfachtagung 2022, 27.10.2022, Leuna. Landesarbeitskreis Düngung Ost (LAD). Vortrag.

Tavakoli, H., Correa, J. Voegl, S., Gebbers, R (2022). RapidMapper     – a mobile multi-sensor platform for the assessment of soil fertility in precision agriculture. In: VDI Wissenforum (Ed.): AgEng LAND.TECHNIK 2022, VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, Germany, 351-358.   

Vogel, S., Bönecke, E., Kling, C., Kramer, E., Philipp, G., Rühlmann, J., Schröter, I., Gebbers, R. (2022). Direct prediction of site-specific    lime requirement of arable fields using the base neutralizing capacity and a multi-sensor platform for on-the-go soil mapping. Precision Agriculture 23(4), 127–149.   

Horf, M., Vogel, S., Drücker, H., Gebbers, R., Olfs, H.-W. (2022). Optical spectrometry to determine nutrient concentrations and other physicochemical parameters in liquid organic manures: A review. Agronomy 12(2):514.   

Horf, M., Bönecke, E., Gebbers, R., Kling, C., Kramer, E., Rühlmann, J, Schröter, I., Schwanghart, W., Vogel, S. (2022). Utility of visible and near-infrared spectroscopy to predict base neutralizing capacity and lime requirement of quaternary soils. Precision Agriculture, 24(1), 288–309.   

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