Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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A range of molecular, physiological, and analytical techniques are established in our lab. In the following, you can find an overview of the equipment available. If you are interested in a collaboration, please feel free to contact us.

Culture facilities

  • fully air-conditioned greenhouse space;
  • Cabinets for plants and plant tissue cultures: two Conviron PGCflex, two Percival AR-75HIL, Conviron ATC-26, Vötsch VB-1014, Percival E-30B, Percival CU-36/4, Conviron Adaptis A-1000 TC;
  • automatic titrators to control solution pH of hydroponic cultures;
  • various shaking incubators and cabinets for culture of bacteria and yeast;
  • CO2 incubator for culture of mammalian cells.

Molecular biology and protein biochemistry

  • PCR thermocyclers, gel chambers and gel documentation system for DNA and RNA work;
  • four-channel realtime PCR machine (Eppendorf Realplex S4) for gene expression analysis;
  • Nanodrop ND-2000c microliter spectrometer for nucleic acid quantification;
  • hybridizing oven (UVP HB-1000);
  • SDS-PAGE and Western blotting facilities for protein characterization.


  • PC-controlled tube luminometers (Berthold Detection Systems Sirius-1 and FB-12) for luminometric assays;
  • ultra-sensitive high-resolution photon-counting camera system (Photek HRPCS-4) fitted to dark box with Peltier heated/cooled stage for macroscopic imaging of luminescence.
    Both systems are mainly used for the detection of calcium signals by aequorin luminescence. The photon-counting camera is also suitable for HRP-based Western blot analysis.

Microscopy and imaging

  • upright fluorescence microscope (Zeiss Axioskop) with high-resolution colour camera (Zeiss Axiocam HRc);
  • inverse fluorescence microscope (Zeiss Axiovert 40) with colour camera (Zeiss Axiocam MRc);
  • fluorescence stereomicroscope (Zeiss SteREO Discovery V.20 with PentaFluar S) with high-performance colour camera (Zeiss Axiocam 506);
  • fluorescence zoom microscope (Zeiss Axio Zoom V.16) with ultra-sensitive sCMOS camera (Hamamatsu ORCA-Flash 4.0 V3);
  • dissecting stereomicroscope (Zeiss Stemi SV11);
  • Zeiss CellObserver HS system, comprising a Zeiss AxioObserver D1 motorised microscope, Colibri LED and HXP 120 light sources, and  DualCam twin-camera port for high-speed ratio imaging of living cells;
  • microscope systems operated by Zeiss ZEN blue software;
  • automated perfusion system (AutoMate ValveLink 8.2);
  • microtome (Leica RM 2145);
  • vibrating microtome (Zeiss Hyrax V.50).


  • patch clamp amplifier (Axopatch 200B-2) with data acquisition system (Digidata 1440 A) and electrophysiology software (pCLAMP10);
  • oscilloscope (Textronix TDS2012B);
  • micromanipulator (Eppendorf 5171) attached to inverse fluorescence microscope (Zeiss Axiovert 135);
  • pipette puller (Sutter P-97) and coating/polishing microforge (ALA CPM-2).

Analytical techniques

  • C/N analyzer (Vario EL, Elementar) coupled to 15N spectrometer (NOI 7) for the quantification of C, N, and 15N;
  • Büchi destillation unit for total N determination;
  • osmometer (Gonotec Osmomat 030) for determination of osmotic potentials;
  • UV/Vis spectrophotometer (Analytic Jena Specord 200);
  • microplate absorbance reader (BioRad benchmark);
  • multimode microplate reader for luminescence, fluorescence, and absorbance (Berthold Mithras LB 940);
  • ICP-OES (HORIBA Jobin-Yvon Ultima-2), operated by the Soil Science laboratory;
  • MP-AES (Agilent 4201)
  • HPLC system (Merck-Hitachi L-7000 series) fitted with diode array, fluorescence and conductivity detectors;
  • MilliQ water purification systems.

Stomatal conductance, leaf turgor, chlorophyll, and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements

  • porometer (Delta-T Devices AP-4);
  • magnetic leaf turgor pressure probe (ZIM Plant Technology);
  • infrared thermal camera (FLIR T650sc);
  • chlorophyll meter(Minolta SPAD-502Plus);
  • portable chlorophyll fluorescence analyser (Hansatech Handy-PEA);
  • portable PAM fluometer (PSI Fluorpen FP100 PSI);
  • chlorophyll fluorescence imaging system (Walz IMAGING-PAM Maxi).

Sample preparation

  • laboratory thresher (Wintersteiger LD-180);
  • high-throughput tissue homogenizer and cell lyser (SPEX Geno/Grinder 2010);
  • disk mill (Retsch RS 100);
  • high pressure microwave digestion unit (CEM MARS5Xpress) for acid digestion of samples;
  • furnace for sample combustion;
  • small scale (Christ Alpha 1-4) and large scale (Christ Beta 1-8 K) freeze-dryers;
  • vacuum concentrator (Christ RVC2-18 CDplus HCl);
  • superspeed centrifuge (Beckmann Avanti J-25) with various rotors.

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