From appropriation to conservation? Collective tenure and biodiversity management
Biodiversity in the agricultural landscape has declined sharply. While
much of the current debate about biodiversity loss and conservation
issues is taking place at a national or international level, a
substantial part of practical conservation work is carried out by small
farmers and action groups at a local level. Their forms of ‘active
conservation’ with respect to agricultural biodiversity have rarely been
researched yet.
I expect small farmers and local alliances to be drivers of biodiversity
preservation. I want to explore if and how biodiversity management is
seen as a duty or responsibility. My research wants to provide an analysis of biodiversity management / conservation practices that emerge from community forms of resource management. I want to understand what drives community forms of agro-biodiversity conservation and explore the bundles of biodiversity-related duties and responsibilities.
Researcher: Julia Schünzel
Keywords: property rights, collective tenure, biodiversity, rights and
duties, natural resources management