Hardy Schulz
Ehemaliger Mitarbeiter, Doktorand
Biologische und biogeochemische Wirkungen von Pflanzenkohle in temperaten Ökosystemen.
Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Bruno Glaser
- BMBF J01090479: ClimaCarbo
CO2-negative Energieerzeugung und Schließung regionaler Stoffkreisläufe im ländlichen Raum des Wendlandes.
Katja Wiedner, Hardy Schulz, Daniel Fischer, Steven Polifka, Bruno Glaser
- BMBF 01LY0909F
KMU innovativ - Verbundvorhaben Klimaschutz: CO2-Sequestrierung durch Einsatz von Biomasse in einem PYREG-Reaktor mit Dampfschraubenmotor.
Daniel Fischer, Hardy Schulz, Ananda Erben , Georg Lemmer , Bruno Glaser
Peer-reviewed publications
- Schulz H, Dunst G, Glaser B (2014) No Effect Level of Co-Composted Biochar on Plant Growth and Soil Properties in a Greenhouse Experiment. Agronomy 4(1):34-51, doi:10.3390/agronomy4010034 .
- Schulz H, Dunst G, Glaser B (2013) Positive effects of composted biochar on plant growth and soil fertility. Agronomy Article 150, doi:10.1007/s13593-013-0150-0 .
- Meyer S, Bright R, Fischer D, Schulz H, Glaser B (2012) Albedo Impact on the Suitability of Biochar Systems To MitigateGlobal Warming. Environmental Science & Technology 46 (22): pp 12726–12734, doi: 10.1021/es302302g .
- Liu J, Schulz H, Brandl S, Miehtke H, Huwe B, Glaser B (2012) Short-term effect of biochar and compost on soil fertility and water status of a Dystric Cambisol in NE Germany under field conditions, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science in press.
- Schulz H, Glaser B (2012) Effects of biochar compared to organic and inorganic fertilizers on soil quality and plant growth in a greenhouse experiment. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science in press.
Conference contributions
- Schulz H & Glaser B (2012) Compared Biochar and Compost effects on plant growth and soil factors as reported for three consequent greenhouse trial setups. European Geoscience Union, Vienna, Austria 2012. (oral presentation)
- Schulz H & Glaser B(2012) Improved soil water retention & plant yield through biochar amendment to poor sandy soil. Eurosoil, Bari, Italy 2012. (poster)
- Schulz H, Glaser B (2011) Compared Biochar and Compost effects on plant growth factors as reported for oat (Avena sativa L.) in a greenhouse trial. European Biochar Symposium 2011, Halle
- Schulz H, Glaser B (2010) Potenzial von Biokohle und Kompost auf einem nährstoffarmen sommertrockenen Standort in Brandenburg. European Biochar Symposium 2010, Bayreuth
- Schulz H (2009) Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzung von festen Rückständen der thermochemischen Biomassevergasung. Renexpo, Augsburg, Germany 2009. (oral presentation)