Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Finished Projects

  • Food and Agriculture COST Action TD1107
    Biochar Europe - Biochar as option for sustainable resource management: this COST Action connects scattered Biochar research across Europe to enable quick implementation of sustainable use of natural resources, to maintain or improve soil quality while efficiently sequestering carbon in the long-term
    Bruno Glaser, Ananda Erben, Verena Isabell Lehr
  • DFG ZE 844/1-1
    Reconstruction of development of climate and landscape in the subtropical South America based on loess-paleosol sequences along a transect of ~ 27 – 38°S
    Michael Zech, A Blasi, C Castineira, M Fuchs, Bruno Glaser, U Hambach, Bernd Huwe, JH May, A Mehl, L Moretti, H Morras, N Peinemann, J Sanabria, A Schellenberger, M Zarate, L Zöller
  • BaCaTec
    Biochar - production, development and characterization for use as a soil conditioner
    Bruno Glaser
