Finished Projects
- DNA methylation pattern of organic and conventional plant samples Lebensmittelbetrug verhindern: Epigenetische Muster von biologischen und konventionell angebauten Nahrungsmitteln
Bruno Glaser, Ivo Große, Claudius Grehl
- Reconstruction of vegetation, climate and human history based on pedological and geoarchaeological investigations of the mesolithic site Ullafelsen, Fotschertal next to Innsbruck, Austria.
Michael Zech, Bruno Glaser, Marcel Lerch
- FOR 2358: Mountain Exile Hypothesis: How humans benefited from and re-shaped African high altitude ecosystems during Quarternary climatic changes
Anthrosols of the Bale Mountains: Archives for the reconstruction of the chronology and intensity of human occupation and possible interactions with fire history and the destruction of Erica stands at the Sanetti Plateau.
Bruno Glaser, Wolfgang Zech , Tobias Bromm, Betelhem Mekonnen
- FOR 2358: Mountain Exile Hypothesis: How humans benefited from and re-shaped African high altitude ecosystems during Quarternary climatic changes
Stable oxygen (18O/16O) and hydrogen (2H/1H) isotopic composition of plants, soils and rainfall along altitudinal transects, and in paleoclimate archives of the Bale Mountains.
Michael Zech, Bruk Lemma
- ‘Formiguer Soils’ – The Mediterranean analogue to terra preta de Indio in the humid tropics?
Katja Wiedner, Bruno Glaser, Steven Polifka
- Development and cultivation of ridge and furrow sites in Saxony-Anhalt
Katja Wiedner, Bruno Glaser, Theresa Langewitz
- DBU Stipendium
Development of a new climate proxy based on compound specific δ18O isotope analyses on n-alkanol-lipid biomarkers.
Johnnes Hepp, Michael Zech, Bruno Glaser, Roland Zech, Christoph Mayr
- BMBF J01090479: ClimaCarbo
CO2-negative energy generation and closing regional materials cycles in rural areas of the Wendland
Katja Wiedner, Hardy Schulz, Daniel Fischer, Steven Polifka, Bruno Glaser
- Food and Agriculture COST Action TD1107
Biochar Europe - Biochar as option for sustainable resource management: this COST Action connects scattered Biochar research across Europe to enable quick implementation of sustainable use of natural resources, to maintain or improve soil quality while efficiently sequestering carbon in the long-term
Bruno Glaser, Ananda Erben, Verena Isabell Lehr
- Climate garden-halle
Public project in cooperation with the operating working capital funding of the city hall. Scientific studies are associated with the promotion of environmental education.
Daniela Busch, Bruno Glaser
- FP7 Cooperation: Eurochar
Biochar for carbon sequestration and large scale removal of greenhouse gases (GHG) from the atmosphere
Daniela Busch, Katja Wiedner, Bruno Glaser
- BMBF 01LY0909F
Innovative SMEs - Joint project climate change: CO2 Sequestration through the use of biomass in a reactor with PYREG steam engine screws
Daniel Fischer, Hardy Schulz, Ananda Erben , Georg Lemmer , Bruno Glaser
- DFG INST 217/291-1 FUGG
Isotope mass of liquid and gas chromatography and elemental nalysis
Bruno Glaser
- Feodor Lynen-Stipendium/Feodor Lynen Rückkehrstipendium
Development of climate proxies for loess-paleosol sequences in Serbia based on compound-specific isotope analysis
Michael Zech, Björn Buggle, M Fuchs, Gebauer, Bruno Glaser, Hambach, Juchelka, Markovic, Sümegi, R Werner, L Zöller
- DFG ZE 844/1-1
Reconstruction of development of climate and landscape in the subtropical South America based on loess-paleosol sequences along a transect of ~ 27 – 38°S
Michael Zech, A Blasi, C Castineira, M Fuchs, Bruno Glaser, U Hambach, Bernd Huwe, JH May, A Mehl, L Moretti, H Morras, N Peinemann, J Sanabria, A Schellenberger, M Zarate, L Zöller
Competition of nutrients (N, C) between plants and microorganisms in resource-limited grassland ecosystems under extreme weather condition
Marco Tulio Lara Jimenez, Bruno Glaser
- DFG GL 327/11-1; FOR 562
Processes of litter and Processes of litter and soil organic matter transformation during extreme drying/wetting as assessed by compound specific isotope approaches
Steffen Heinrich, Bruno Glaser, Yakov Kuzyakov
- DFG GL 327/5-3
Reconstruction of Terra Preta genesis using molecular biomarkers and their compound-specific stable isotope ratios (d15N)
Jago Birk, Michaela Dippold , Bruno Glaser
- BaCaTec
Biochar - production, development and characterization for use as a soil conditioner
Bruno Glaser
- DFG GL 327/10-1
Impact of forestry practices on dynamics and sequestration of organic matter and nutrients in Munessa Forest (Ethiopia)
Marianne Benesch, Jan Pfister , Bruno Glaser, Wolfgang Zech
- Programme Amazonie du CNRS Guyane
Archaeology and Archaeobotany complexes Surele-vate fields in coastal savannas of Guyana and the ecology of ecosystems created by the ancient landscape alterations
Jago Birk, Alexander Hänel , Martin Hitziger , Bruno Glaser
- DFG GL 327/4-3,4
Determination of turnover rates of soil organic matter using compound-specific stable isotope abundances (d13C)
Jago Birk, Björn Buggle, Bruno Glaser
- DFG GL 327/8-2,3
Reconstruction of the history of climate and landscape in the western Black Sea region based on loess-paleosol properties
Björn Buggle, Bruno Glaser, Ludwig Zöller